Tools for Calculating the Radius of Influence, Pumping Rates and Times for Dewatered Excavations
Empirical methods offer a reliable means to determine the radial extent of the groundwater cone of depression, along with estimated pumping rates and required time for achieving the desired groundwater drawdown in excavations.
At Ground Support Systems, we offer a powerful tool for conducting these calculations based on industry-proven methods. However, it's essential to acknowledge that these results serve as a starting point, and should not be solely dependant on. Additional thorough calculations must be carried out before commencing any works.
For a comprehensive dewatering design and analysis, get in touch with us today. Our experts are ready to provide tailored solutions for your unique project needs, ensuring successful dewatering outcomes. Trust in our expertise and experience for a reliable and efficient construction journey. Contact us now!
In the absence of site-specific hydraulic data, default hydraulic conductivity values (K) can be used and are listed below for a variety of Australian soil types.
In the absence of site-specific information, the saturated thickness of superficial aquifers may be obtained from: Perth Groundwater Atlas, Second Edition (Department of Environment, 2004) for sites in the Perth metropolitan region; and from information held by the Department of Water (for sites elsewhere in the State).
Adapted from Davidson, W.A., 1995, Bulletin 142: Hydrogeology and Groundwater Resources Of The Perth Region, Western Australia, Geological Survey Of Western Australia.
Hemond,H.F. and Goldman, J.C., 1985, On non-Darcian water flow in peat. Journal of Ecology, 73, 578-584